Prismatone "Hecate"

The Goddess of Magic and Crystals.

  • Age: ???
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Sexuality: Lesbian Allosexual


The queen of magic. Her main color is green! She loves crystals and has them all the time.

As the queen of magic, magic users of all around the multiverse respect her and worship her as "Hecate". In Mytheria, she has a floating island range named after her (Hecate Highlands).

She has a very rude atittude towards a lot of people, including her comrade Vega July! But she seems to treat witches and wizards a bit more like a big sister. Rumor has it that she chose a witch queen as her pupil and might have feelings for her.

Still grieving the loss of Hikari March and the fall of Scarlet October