Topic: Misc
- Crane's learning of necromancy was inspired by his previous life. The aspect that was inspired was his constant flexibility, despite not being very active with his body. He wanted to truly make Athen proud and protect her, so he learned Necromancy by kicking and spell-casting. He took at least 5 months under Rune to do this. He is grateful for Rune, but eventually forgot about him.
- Crane is very hesitant on the thought of romantic activities, but he is not strictly sex/romance repulsed. He is simply scared of going into a relationship because of how it was in his living life. He was manipulated by lovers to steal and also manipulate with the trick of saying "Do you even love me then if you don't do this for me?"
- His left eye underneath his hair is the same as his right eye. It's normal.
- Crane is at least 5'11.
- Earth was originally a happy girl who loved life and watched it grow in remote parts of the world. She loved all animals and cared for humans like her own brothers and sisters. But when the Industrial Revolution came, and the pollution followed, she grew very sick, no longer caring for what happens to life and even herself.
- Mimas does not like the color yellow. It reminds him of his higher up, Saturn. They have a strained relationship due to Saturn's anger issues.
- Jupiter is very protective of his moons, almost like a big angry dad who never lets his kids outside late.
- Maxwell's feelings towards Alice was a spark when Alice first came to his tea party. He simply thought she was cute. But when he travels with her to Queen Rosathane, he eventually truly falls in love with her charisma. He compares her to a swan, "A beautiful sight to see that hides their fierce power with shyness." Alice thought he was just pretty goofy until seeing his concern for her. Nobody until now showed the concern Moralle showed.
- Clementine the March Hare genuinely does not like the Queen of Hearts. It has been said that she hunted his parents to death. He also thumps his feet when mad.
- Atticus runs a herbal store that is not popular but runs even on the worst of days. Atticus also has a platonic interest towards Alice.
Topic: Gehenna's Wish
Gehenna's wish is ruled by two rulers at the moment: Marrowell and Jackolan. Jackolan rules the ghouls and Halloween themed monsters, while Marrowell rules the demons and ghosts/reapers.
Marrowell must license a reaper to become a reaper. How reapers are created are by taking a soul of a person who had a horrible life and granting them an Elystic light. These lights were left over by the original Overseer of Ghosts, Gehenna.
Reapers who aren't licesnsed are considered vermin due to many unlicensed by Marrowell doing their own things, usually against the law. It is unlawful to take souls as a non officially licensed reaper for yourself, as souls have power.
The case of one reaper, Rune, has been known to have taken 20 souls with the excuse of a dead wife. He was exiled from being a reaper for following an unlicensed reaper.